Healing The Erotic Self: Sexual Shadow Work & The Journey Towards Sexual Liberation

Mx. Lena Queen, LCSW, M.Ed.
3 min readFeb 11, 2024

In a world that often shrouds discussions of sexuality in shame and stigma, finding the path towards sexual healing and liberation can be a daunting journey. But it’s a journey worth embarking on, for within it lies the potential for profound personal transformation and empowerment.

Sexual Shadow Work: The Path to Wholeness

At the core of sexual liberation lies the concept of sexual shadow work — the courageous exploration of the hidden aspects of our sexuality that we often keep buried deep within ourselves. Defined by the pioneering work of psychiatrist Carl Jung, the shadow represents those parts of our personality that we repress or deny, including our deepest fears, insecurities, and traumas.

For many, confronting these shadows is a daunting task. Yet, it is through this process that true healing and liberation can be found. By shining a light on the darkest corners of our psyche, we can begin to reclaim our wholeness and rediscover the inherent beauty and power of our erotic selves.

Embracing The Erotic Self

Central to this journey is the concept of the Erotic Self — the embodiment of our deepest desires, pleasures, and truths. It is through honoring and embracing this aspect of ourselves that we can truly begin to heal and experience the fullness of our beings.

As a survivor of trauma and a Black femme, I intimately understand the complexities of this journey. Through my own experiences and professional work, I have come to realize that healing the Erotic Self is not just about addressing sexual distress; it is about reclaiming our inherent worth and embracing the totality of who we are.

The Healing Journey

Healing the Erotic Self is a holistic process that encompasses mind, body, and spirit. It requires us to confront our past traumas, dismantle societal norms and expectations, and cultivate self-compassion and self-awareness.

In my workbook, “Healing The Erotic Self,” I offer readers a guide to navigate this transformative journey. Drawing on my background as a clinical somatic sexologist and integrative psychotherapist, I provide practical tools, insightful reflections, and empowering perspectives to support readers in their quest for sexual healing and liberation.

Through self-reflection prompts, liberatory frameworks, and somatic practices, readers are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Whether you’re struggling with sexual distress, self-doubt, or societal pressures, this book offers a roadmap to reclaiming your power and embracing your Erotic Self.

Your Path to Liberation

If you’re ready to embark on your own journey towards sexual healing and liberation, I invite you to explore the resources I’ve created. From self-paced options for establishing safety and self-trust to guided meditations and workbooks for sexual shadow work, there’s something here for everyone seeking to reclaim their Erotic Self.

Together, let us dissolve the chains of shame and limitation that bind us and step into the fullness of our sexual liberation. For in embracing our Erotic Selves, we not only heal ourselves but pave the way for a more liberated and empowered world.

About the Author:

Mx. Lena Queen, LCSW, M.Ed. (Queen/they), is a clinical somatic sexologist and integrative psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience in trauma-responsive social work. Through their work, they have helped countless individuals reclaim their power and embrace their Erotic Selves. “Healing The Erotic Self” is their latest offering — a groundbreaking guide to sexual shadow work and liberation. For more information about Queen’s consultation and coaching, please visit SistaSexologist.com.



Mx. Lena Queen, LCSW, M.Ed.

Clinical Somatic Sexologist, Erotic Coach, and Self-Liberated helping folks dissolve sexual distress with embodied safety, embodied wellness, & self-trust .